WelcometoMedifulyaHealth Services! GastricSleeveSurgery.BizWeare an organizationwith a healthtourismcertificate, whichwasestablishedby MedifulyaHealth Services in ordertoprovideservicestothosewhohavehealthproblemsduetoobesity. Weoffer a health service, including hotel accommodationand transfer, toourpatientswhowanttoreceiveservices on GastricSleeveSurgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery, BariatricSurgery, GastricBalloon. Inthecities of Istanbul and Antalya in Turkey, weserveallourpatientswhowanttolosetheirexcessweightwithourprivatelycontractedhospitalsanddoctors. How Do WeWork? What is All-InclusiveHealthCare? Ouraim is not onlytoprovideyouwithmedicalservices but alsotomakeyour time in Turkeysafeandvaluable. Wecombinedtheprovision of medicalserviceswithaccommodationandtransportation, thankstothe network wehavecreated on issuesthatmaycauseloss of safety, time, andmoneyforyou. Inthisway, youwill be abletoenjoythelimited time youhave in Turkeyinstead of thingsthatwilltakeyour time such as transportationandaccommodation in Turkey. Wewelcomeyoufromtheairportwithour VIP vehicles. Weprovidetransportationtothehospitalor hotel accordingtoyourtreatment program. We organize yourtransportationbetweenthe hotel andthehospitalduringyourentiretreatment, andwhenyourtreatment is completed, wedropyouoff at theairporttoreturntoyourcountry. Inordertobenefitfromalltheseservices, allyouhaveto do is contactourcallcenteranddecide on yourtreatment plan withourexpertteam. ThankyouforchoosingMedifulyaHealth Services…


Ürünler / Hizmeler

  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a surgical procedure performed by cutting and r

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